Aberdeen Falls

 Aberdeen Falls 

This great waterfall is definitely worth seeing. It is a long way down to the bottom and a most difficult one back to the top. You must be in a fit condition to do it. If you are a visitor. A small observation platform is constructed close to the natural pool below the Aberdeen . Aberdeen Falls is a 98 m {322 ft } high waterfall on the Kehelgamu Oya near Ginigathhena, in the Nuwara Eliya District of Sri Lanka. To reach Aberdeen Falls from Ginigathena town, one then must proceed along Ambatale Road up to the Buddha statue at the end of the road. Then one should park their vehicle and walk about 1.2 km along the road. Kehelgamu Oya is a major tributary of the Kelani River.Bathing in the middle of the pool and swimming to the middle has caused death to swimmers in the past. This waterfall is covered with a big stone complex behind. The waterfall is ranked as the  8th highest on the Island.

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